Enhancing immersion of video games is a popular research topic along many disciplines. As the question of immersive environments came up in lectures some friends and me decided to build a simple jump'n'run like game concerning the interweaving of surrounding and gameplay into the design.

We came up with a little not-that-but-somehow-scary game called Fatalis and decided, although research seems to point into the direction of concentrating on senses that work more nearby (e.g. olfaction or sense of touch) rather than from those, working in distance (e.g. vision or audition).

Since we did not feel the need of ventilation after defeating a boss enemy we concentrated on increasing the visual and auditive experience by listening to and filming the ambience of the player and reacting to it, e.g. attracting enemies by noise.

Long story short. Based on the ideas of tile-based games in Flash we have created a isometric engine in AS2 that can easily be fed with xml-based descriptions of level and new textures. Please feel free to play with the code.

Download engine source snippets